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A Private Soul Art workshop where you are guided through a creative portal process. A powerful and magnetic practice that bypasses your analytical mind and accesses your creative spirit within. 3 Hours of undivided attention for yourself and your next level dreams.
In person or online.
The Soul Art Portal private one on one workshop is for you if you need guidance and creative space to dive deep into your personal journey and an area of your life that currently feels stagnant, unfulfilled, painful or simply frustrating.
Soul Art bridges your spirit and your body through the Body Mapping process.
It allows you to see and access your spirit, what it wants, needs and desires. Soul Art can lead you to new directions in your life. By taking inspired actions and compassionate self care.
Soul Art bridges your spirit and your body through the Body Mapping process.
It allows you to see and access your spirit, what it wants, needs and desires. Soul Art can lead you to new directions in your life. By taking inspired actions and compassionate self care.